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Vehicle mounted scissorlift with 7.5m working height

CS7.5TM: this scissorlift has a payload of 3000 kg and it can be mounted on a vehicle of min. 12t. These machines are versatile in use and are ideally suited for all kinds of Maintenance works for aviation and tunnels.

CS7.5TM Max. payload platform 3000 kg. PLC-control. Controlbox with fingertip joysticks. Step-access positioned on the rearside of the vehicle to enter the platform. Easy to operate. Safe and stable. Robust construction.


  • Max. working height*: 7.8m
  • Max. cagefloor height*: 5.8m
  • Max. payload platform: 3000 kg
  • Dimensions platform lxw*: 7m x 2.3m
  • Control: proportional
  • Max. tilt: 2° (transverse), 5° (longitudinal)
  • GVW: min. 12t
  • *Depends on vehicle-type, GVW, outrigger-construction, platform-payload, others
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