Maintenance dock F16

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Suitable as
Maintenance dock
Maintenance dock
Inside and outside use
Step width:
Stair angle:
45 degrees
EN 12312-8
Max load:
200 kg/m2

Custom-build mobile aluminium maintenance F16-dock consisting of LH/RH nose-section, front wing-section, back wing-section, outerwing section, tail-section and upper tail-section.  All sections can be used individually, except for tail-sections. Left and right-hand tailsections must be put close to each other. The upper tail section provides access to do works at tailfin. The work platform on left and right-hand tail-sections have on the rear-end adjustable working platform-sections; this enables you to open and close the working platform to optimise the use of the tailsection. In this way you need not re-position the complete tail-stand when changing a F16-motor!

All components which may touch the helicopter are provided with protective rubber profiles. These profiles are attached to tubes, work floor edges and guard-rails. The dock is a FOD-free design and is suited for inside and outside use.

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